KFL. They distribute to around 300 households a day. That really makes you think about how many people are hurting in this community alone. I admire what this organization is doing to help.
In addition, I love what other companies are dong to fund KFL, such as Panera bread. They donated money to KFL so they could better help the community end hunger, especially in the summer. Kids cannot get as much food as most rely on school lunches and/or breakfasts to fuel their bodies for the day. Some kids can't get as much food as they need at home, so they look forward to eating at school. This is crazy for me to think about as I hated school lunches growing up. I always brought my lunch thinking it was better for me, but some kids needed that school lunch because it was that or nothing at all. I really appreciate what I have, and will try to help in the near future.
I was also surprised to find out how many people rely on this community. I think I always knew that Kalamazoo had some trouble, but I think our visit to the food pantry yesterday really put into context how rough it is here. It's a great community but it's struggling. I too am thankful for my school lunches, regardless of the quality. I think we don't take those kinds of things into account until we get much older.