Sunday, January 26, 2014

Corn Rules All

After watching King Corn, I want to call it quits and become a vegetarian. To think about how much of our food has corn in it is mind boggling to me. The worst part is there is not really a way to avoid it because there is corn or high fructose corn syrup in almost everything we eat.

 The researchers in this documentary went to a specialist to have their hair sampled to see what traces of food have been in their diet. They found interesting results concluding most of their diet consisted of corn! It's not like they sat at the dinner table and chowed down on ears of corn, but more so corn disguised as food. Most of the corn grown either goes into ethanol production, cow feed, or is turned into high fructose corn syrup. It's hard to find a food label of ingredients that does not include high fructose corn syrup. Lately I have been checking the foods I eat and it is pretty accurate. If my hair were to be tested there would probably be a high amount of corn as well.

 In addition to people having high amounts of corn in their system so do the cattle that feed us. (Click link to find out more info about this: link) Ranchers feed their cattle food that has high levels of corn. The cattle "put on weight faster if you don't let them move," so they are kept in confined spaces while they eat. Back in the day, ranchers let the cattle graze and roam in the fields. This was more natural and healthier for the cattle. Ranchers try to speed up the process so they can make more money by not having to wait as long for the cattle to reach their full growth. This unfortunately makes the cattle grow more fat than lean muscle. So not only is the meat we eat corn infused, but it also has more “fat disguised as meat.” In addition to hurting us as consumers, the corn feed makes the cattle unhealthy as well. The cattle are overfed so they bulk up just to be killed and consumed by humans… what a life!
This documentary was incredibly enlightening and will definitely make me think twice next time I’m shopping at the grocery store. I will be checking the ingredients of my food from now on.


  1. I watched Food Inc and was also surprised at how much corn plays a part in the foods we eat. The development of high fructose corn syrup has really allowed for corn to be a staple in a large chunk of the foods we consume every day.

  2. And without watching a documentary like this or talking about it in class, I would have no idea how much corn I actually consume because the corporations do such a great job covering it up! It's sad how much information is kept from us or disguised to mislead us.

  3. I love corn, but after learning about the way food is processed I have been thinking twice about things I eat or where I buy my food. When you say how you will think twice next time you shop at a grocery store I completely agree with you on that after all the blogs I read and the discussions from class

  4. I'm with you, Laura...vegetarian is sounding better to me every day. Unfortunately, even that cannot keep high amounts of corn out of my diet since so many foods are made with corn syrup and corn products. Even though I've cut way back on meat in the past six months, I know my corn intake is probably too much!

  5. I heard from somewhere else too that high fructose corn syrup is in so much of our food.
