Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Visit to Kumo Hibachi & Steak

I went to Kumo Hibachi & Sushi last night. I have never had sushi in my life and did not particularly want to try it. My friend was craving sushi and I said my class is trying new foods around Kalamazoo so I thought it was perfect to go with her a try some sushi. I have been to Hibachi restaurants in the past and I love it, so it wasn’t hard to get me there. I decided to split a roll with my friend. We got an eel and cucumber roll. Now I’m typically a sea food lover, but the sound of eel was a little much for me. I still got the eel but ordered the hibachi grilled steak and shrimp to fill me up just in case I hated the sushi.

When I tried it I was expecting the worst, but I was actually surprised. It didn’t have much of a fishy taste like I was expecting. I honestly tasted the cucumber more than the eel. I think the texture of the seaweed that it was wrapped in and the sliminess of the eel was the thing that threw me off. I had one roll and in most cases that would have been it for me, but this time I ate a second roll just to try it again. I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. I think I am going to try other combinations to see if I can find one I actually like. I can now say I have tried sushi and can add it to the relatively short list of foods I like.


  1. That's cool Laura, I love sushi. There's a lot of variety, I've only ever had eel once. I like the kinds with avocado, or salmon, or sweet potato.

  2. I am glad you had a positive experience! My neighbors love that type of food and go there all the time!

  3. Wow! I'm scared on sushi haha and won't even try it. Good for you for trying it!

  4. You are brave to try eel, I couldn't do that. Sounds like a had a good time though, that is good!

  5. If you ever get a spider or a tyson roll try it with a bit of honey mustard on the side, it's SOOO good!
